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Follow the steps below to set up and configure Apple Pay.

Step 1: Create your merchant IDs in your Apple Pay Developer account

  1. In your Apple Developer account, go to the Add Merchant IDs section, select Merchant IDs and click Continue.
  2. Add an explanatory description, like merchant id for test environment.
  3. Type your desired merchant ID name in the Identifier section. We recommend that you use a descriptive name to indicate both the domain and the environment you will use it in, like

Step 2: Create Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate

  1. Get certificate by signing request (.csr) file from Solid Support.
  2. Log in to your Apple Developer account, go to the Merchant IDs list section, and click on the merchant ID you created in step 1.
  3. In the Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate section (make sure you're not in the Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate section), click Create Certificate.
  4. Respond No to the question about processing in China and click Continue.
  5. Upload the .csr file previously received and click Continue.
  6. Click Download to get your .cer file.
  7. The Payment Processing Certificate (.cer file) must be sent to Solid Support. 

Step 3: Validate your domain

  1. Log in to your Apple Developer account, go to the Merchant IDs list section and click on the merchant ID you created in step 1.
  2. Under the Merchant Domains section, click Add Domain.
  3. Enter your domain and click Save.
  4. Click Download and you'll get a .txt file.
  5. Upload this file to your server so it's accessible at the following location (replacing with the URL of your domain): To do this, create a folder called .well-known in the root directory of your website and put the .txt file in that folder.
  6. Once you've uploaded the file, click Verify.

Step 4: Create your Apple Pay certificates

  1. Open a terminal and create a .csr and .key file using this command:
  2. openssl req -out uploadMe.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout certificate_sandbox.key
  3. In the prompt, enter your details, and when asked for a password, leave it blank and click Enter. You will get a .csr and .key file. Keep the .key file at hand.
  4. Log in to your Apple Developer account, go to the Merchant IDs list section and click on the merchant ID you created in step 1.
  5. Under the Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate section (make sure you're not in the Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificate section), click Create Certificate.
  6. Upload the .csr file you just created from your terminal. It should be called uploadMe.csr if you copy-pasted the command.
  7. Click Continue and then click Download to get your .cer file. It will probably be named merchant_id.cer.
  8. Convert this .cer file into a .pem file so you can use it in your code. Enter the following command in your terminal:
  9. openssl x509 -inform der -in merchant_id.cer -out certificate_sandbox.pem

Step 5: Integrate with Apple Pay

Follow Apple Pay's integration documentation to integrate Apple Pay:

Next steps

Now you've configured and integrated with Apple Pay

If you need help or have a question, message our Support team at [email protected]