To add a user to your HUB account you should have a “merchant-admin” role. This role allows to block/unblock existing users, as well as to invite new ones.

Add a new user

To add another user to your HUB account, kindly follow the next steps: 

  1. Please go to the User Management section

  1. Press the "+" button.

  1. Fill in the email and user name. Kindly choose the account and the role of the user.

Kindly note that you can add several users at a time by pressing the “Add user” button.

4. Press "SUBMIT"

Hub access table

In the table below you can find all the roles and corresponding access.


Finance manager

Support tier 1

Support tier 2


tier 3


Team Lead



Merchant Admin

Alert Manager

Order Search/ Details/ Export











Order actions: Settle/ Void /Refund











User management Config/ Add/ Remove Account











Antifraud List/ Risk Rule











Antifraud Add From Order











Order ARN/ Paylog











Developer Section











User management all actions






















Finance Reports











Chargeback Search/ Export











Disputes for APM

Search/ Refund/ Answer










Subscription Add/ Edit Product











Subscription Details/ Search/ Export











Subscription  Cancel/ Restore











Subscription Invoices Search/ Export/ Details











Subscription Products Search/ Export/ Paylog






















API keys






















Kindly note that you are able to choose more than one role to the user.

Block/Unblock user/Resend an invite

If you require to block or unblock users or resend an invite to an existing user, kindly choose them from the list of the users in your account and apply the necessary actions.

Also, you can resend an invite if a user did not receive it for whatever reason.

Edit an existing user

In case you need to edit the name of the user or the role assigned, kindly choose the user from the list

and perform the actions you require.