A number of reports is realized in Solid’s HUB. This makes it possible to analyze the data from the first day of cooperating with Solid. The report “Subscription” consists of 2 charts and 1 table.


Available filters

There is a possibility to concretize the report by using filters

the available filters are:

  • Created at: there is a possibility to choose needed period using the calendar, or apply prepared time periods as: today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, this or last month.
  • Channel

  • IP Country

  • Payment method

  • Product Name

Top 10 Products by Subscription count

    The chart “Top 10 Products by Subscriptions Count” represents the most subscribed 10 products by subscription on the defined time period.

Chart, funnel chart

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The horizontal ace is representing the amount and the vertical ace – products names. By hovering over the bar, you can see the exact number of active subscriptions for the selected product for a defined period. Also, you can scroll down to see the whole chart.

New & Canceled Subscriptions

    The second chart is “New & Cancelled Subscriptions”. It shows the amount of cancelled and new subscriptions on the same day.

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In this chart, green bars represent the number of new subscriptions and the red bars – cancelled ones. The horizontal ace shows the defined time period and the vertical ace – the number of subscriptions. By hovering over the bar, you can see the exact number of cancelled and new subscriptions on the chosen day.

 Cancellation Code Share

    The table “Cancellation Code Share” shows the number of cancelled subscriptions, depending on the cancel code, and their percent in the general number of cancellations on the defined time period.


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Cancel codes and their descriptions are vertically displayed, dates are located horizontally. At the intersection of a column and a row, the number of cancellations and its share in the general number of cancelled subscriptions is displayed. You can also scroll right and down to see the whole table.