- Location
- Available filters
- List of requests
- Details
- Body of the request and response body
- Additional links
In Solid's HUB, the possibility to view all logged API requests and responses is realized in the "Developers" section. To find them kindly click on the "Logs" tab. |
Available filters
There is a possibility to concretize the search by using filters.
the available filters are:
- Status (you are able to choose more than one HTTP Status Code to filter the request)
- Method (POST or GET)
- Endpoint
- IP Address
List of requests
On the left side of the page, all API requests and responses are presented. Above the list, the selected time period is stated (whether the date filter is outlined, today's requests are presented). Their main information is also on the list. In the row are presented:
Under the list are located a page scroller and the possibility to choose the amount of shown requests on the page.
The right section of the page consists of two parts:
From the top is located detailed information about the API request. It consists from:
Body of the request and response body
The bottom part consists of the request and response body.
Additional links
To find information on how to work with the HOST to HOST API kindly click here.
To find information on how to work with the SolidGate SDKs kindly click here.