PayPal One-click Payments

One-click - allows a user to perform payments without entering credit card details. It is a good practice to make sure the payment experience for your customer is frictionless. With the One-click feature, you save (tokenize) PayPal payment details the first time they make the payment. Next time they want to make another payment, all they need to do is tap the pay button. 

One-click payments can increase the conversion during recurring purchases from the same user. Example of the sell on post-transaction via one-click: 

  1. User orders a service X for 9.99 USD 
  2. The user performs the first successful payment, and you receive a PayPal token.
  3. Instead of a message about the successful purchase, you will show the user a payment form on the next screen with the offer to buy a related service Y for 14.99 USD.
  4. To buy, the user only needs to push one button.
  5. By pressing the button, you will initiate a payment with the token of the PayPal - recurring. 
  6. After that, both services X and Y can be set into regular payments and charged according to the defined schedule. 

PayPal One-click Payments flow

  1.  One-click payments are possible only after the first successful payment by a user.
  2. To perform a recurring payment, you need to send a PayPal Token from the successful payment.  The PayPal Token can be received: 
      1. By performing the status request for an order;
      2. In notifications after successful payment. 
  3. Display the successful and unsuccessful payments during recurring payments. It is also a good practice to inform the user of the status of his/her payments via e-mail/other communication channels. 

Subscription Payments

Subscription - allows performing payments without the user's involvement (example of such recurring payments - subscription for music streaming services like AppleMusic or Spotify). 

Subscription payments flow

  1.  Subscription recurring payments are possible only after the first successful payment by a user. 
  2. To perform a recurring payment, you need to send a PayPal Token from the successful payment.  You can receive the Token by: 
      1. By performing the status request for an order;
      2. In notifications after successful payment.
  3. Display the successful and unsuccessful payments during recurring payments. It is also a good practice to inform the user of the status of his/her payments via e-mail/other communication channels.