A number of reports is realized in Solid’s HUB. This makes it possible to analyze the data from the first day of cooperating with Solid. The report “Dispute & Refund” consists of 3 charts.


Available filters

    There is a possibility to concretize the report by using filters

the available filters are:

  • Created at: there is a possibility to choose needed period using the calendar, or apply prepared time periods as: today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, this or last month.
  • Channel

  • IP Country

  • Payment method

  • Payment type (first or recurring)

Card Dispute Rate

The first one “Card Dispute Rate” informs about the number of card disputes on the defined period.

On the chart are represented disputes raised in the specified card network:

  • Blue line – Visa.

  • Yellow line – Mastercard.

  • Green line – Other (Discover, Amex, etc.). 

    The horizontal ace is representing dates (day, week, month), and the vertical ace – Dispute ratio (%). Also, by hovering over the dots you can see the percent of raised card disputes, divided into defined groups, on the exact time period.

* Please, note that the disputes resolved via RDR are not included to the Dispute Rate, thus, they will not affect the chart in any way

PayPal Disputes

The second chart “PayPal disputes” represents the amount of PayPal disputes on the defined period.

The horizontal ace is representing dates (day, week, month), and the vertical ace – PayPal Dispute ratio (%). When you hover over the dot you can see the percent of raised PayPal disputes, on the exact time period.

Card Refund Rate

The chart in this report “Card Refund Rate” represents the number of card refunds on the defined time period.

Chart, line chart

Description automatically generated

    The horizontal ace is representing dates (day, week, month), and the vertical ace – Refund ratio (%). By hovering over the dot, you are able to see the number and the rate of refunds done on the exact time period. 

APM Refund Rate

The last chart in this report “AMP Refund Rate” represents the number of APM refunds on the defined time period.

The horizontal ace represents dates, including days, weeks, and months, while the vertical ace displays the Refund ratio (%). By hovering over the dot, you can view the number and the rate of refunds processed during the exact time period.