This page is no longer supported. Please refer to the current guide for up-to-date information.

In case, you are getting a different amount of data downloaded via API report in comparison to HUB data, you can check the following steps in order to determine the issue:

Please note that you will get a report only for the channel API keys of which were used within your request
  • You are using relevant API keys for the relevant channel

  • You are using "metadata":{"next_page_iterator": within your request

If there is a large amount of data within your report, the response will contain "metadata":{"next_page_iterator": here will be a non-null value}, which means the use of pagination and the need to unload data into several requests. To do this, the next request must use the previously received "next_page_iterator" until the response to the request contains "next_page_iterator": null
  • Within the report, you will get data filtered by the "updated_at" date, but we also pass the "created_at" date. You will then be able to filter data on your end.