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Chargebacks can be a headache for merchants, but there are ways to make the chargeback representment process easier. Chargeback representment is when a merchant disputes a chargeback by providing evidence to support the original transaction. Here are some tips for merchants to improve their chargeback representment process:

  1. Keep accurate records: Keep records of all transactions, like receipts, invoices, and shipping information. This information can be used as evidence to support the representment case.

  2. Respond quickly: Respond to chargeback notifications as soon as possible. This will give you enough time to prepare your case and avoid losing funds or harming your relationship with the payment processor.

  3. Understand the reason for the chargeback: Look at the reason code provided by the payment processor to understand why the chargeback occurred. This can help you identify the root cause and prevent future chargebacks.

  4. Provide strong evidence: Provide strong evidence that supports your case. This can include customer data, shipping information, and other details that prove the transaction was legitimate.

  5. Work with the Account Manager: Work with your Account Manager to develop strategies to prevent future chargebacks. For example, implementing address verification systems or providing fraud detection tools can help reduce fraudulent chargebacks.

  6. Use chargeback management tools: Use chargeback management tools to simplify the chargeback representment process. These tools can include automated notifications, prevention alerts and representment templates.

In conclusion, chargebacks can be frustrating and costly for merchants, but following these tips can make the chargeback representment process smoother and reduce the impact of chargebacks on your business.

General requirements for documents preparation:

  • The total quantity of pages within one case is no more than 19 pages.
  • The format of all pages within one case should be either “portrait” format only or “landscape” format only.
  • All pages should be A4 size, other sizes are not acceptable.
  • Acceptable file format — DOCX for Card (PDF for PayPal
  • Acceptable file size - 4MB.
  • For most chargeback/pre-arbitration/retrieval request decision provision – 11 days! After shown timeframe, the chargebacks and pre-arbitrations will be accepted (lost).
  • You could use the example of the document attached to create your evidence.
  • Kindly pay attention to the reason code of the Chargeback, and provide compelling evidence depending on this.
  • Add screenshots to the document,  the links will not be considered proof.
  • Screenshots must be added along with a detailed and clear description.

The requirements for most common chargebacks based on the Reason Code are provided in the table below:

Reason codeRequirements
Fraud - card-absent environment
  • Visa: 10.4
  • MasterCard: 4837
  • AMEX: F29
  • Discover: UA02
Description, date, and time of the products or services successfully downloaded. The evidence must also contain at least two of the following pieces of information:
  • Customer's IP address and their device's geographical location at the time of purchase
  • Device ID and name of the device
  • Customer name and email address linked to their customer profile
  • Evidence that the customer logged into their account for your business before the transaction date
  • Evidence that your website or app was accessed by the cardholder for purchase or services on or after the transaction date
  • Evidence that the same device and card used in the disputed payment was used in a previous payment that was not disputed
  • Description of the digital goods and the date and time they were purchased and downloaded.
  • Record of previous non-disputed payments.
  • A legally binding contract held between the Merchant and the Cardholder
  • The Cardholder is using the merchandise or services
Merchandise/Service not provided
  • Visa: 13.1
  • MasterCard: 4855
  • AMEX: F29
  • Discover: UA02

Duplicate processing/Paid by other means

  • Visa: 12.6
  • MasterCard: 4834
  • AMEX: P08
  • Discover: DP
  1. The charge ID for the previous payment appears as a duplicate of the disputed one.
  2. An explanation of the difference between the disputed payment and the prior one that appears to be a duplicate.
  3. Documentation for the prior payment that can uniquely identify it, such as a separate receipt. This document should be paired with a similar document from the disputed payment that proves the two are separate.
  4. Copy of invoice of two separate orders.

Canceled recurring transaction

Visa: 13.2
MasterCard: 4841
Discover: AP
  • Any server or activity logs showing proof that the cardholder accessed or downloaded the purchased digital product. This information should include IP addresses, corresponding timestamps, and any detailed recorded activity.
  • Your subscription cancellation policy, as shown to the customer.
  • An explanation of how and when the customer was shown your cancellation policy prior to purchase.
  • A notification is sent to the customer of renewal or continuation of the subscription.
  • Proof that notice of upcoming billing was sent to cardholder 10 days before transaction.
  • Proof that the services were used between the billing date and the cancellation date.
  • The Cardholder requested a cancellation for a different date and services were provided until this date.

Also, there's a mockup attached below for you not to start completely from scratch.

And finally, the One advice to follow in any case:
Please, provide as much information as possible about the user below the text (screenshots of the agreements, customer's documents, proofs of using the product, delivery confirmation, invoices, etc.)