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How to force payment to 3-D Secure authorisation? 

To force 3-D Security for payment, you should send force3ds = true parameter in init payment

Google Pay 3DS

There are two card authentification methods for Google Pay:

  • PAN_ONLY: This authentication method is associated with payment cards stored on file with the user's Google Account. Returned payment data includes personal account number (PAN) with the expiration month and the expiration year.
  • CRYPTOGRAM_3DS: This authentication method is associated with cards stored as Android device tokens. Returned payment data includes a 3-D Secure (3DS) cryptogram generated on the device. 

Solid forces all PAN_ONLY authorisation requests to 3DS. There is no need to send additional parameters.

Google Pay Liability shift

There is no liability shift for Google Pay transactions. 

Apple Pay 3DS

    Apple Pay does not support 3DS.

Apple Pay liability shift   

Apple Pay supports liability shift for American Express, Discover, JCB, Mastercard, but not Visa.